How it all started...

I have enjoyed photography since high school, but I really fell in love with it when I was 25 and spent a few weeks touring Europe. With so many beautiful sights, it was hard to put the camera away! I tend to be observant of my surroundings, and I often see beauty in the ordinary. Capturing a moment in time or a beautiful scene, and preserving it to be appreciated long after it changes, is one of the things that brings me so much joy in this life.

I am continually trying to learn and expand my photographic skills as I have time between family responsibilities and my other job as a NICU nurse. Eventually I would love to offer newborn and family portraiture, but in the meantime, while I work on expanding my portfolio and experience, I would like to present the best of the landscapes I have been blessed to see with my own eyes. When I was thinking of a name for my business, I wanted to capture the pleasure that taking and viewing beautiful photographs gives me. The word that kept coming to mind was alegría, which means “joy” in Spanish. It wasn’t until long after I decided to go ahead with the name that I remembered that my name in Spanish class in high school was actually Alegría! It was meant to be, I guess. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson